Sunday, April 24, 2011

Paisley Passed

I'm so sorry I haven't posted yet. Paisley did pass her swallowing study, she did have to be NPO for approx. 13 hours and the only thing that baby was interested was drinking out of a straw. That is one thing she has not be able to do in many years due to her asperating on thin liquids..The MRI will always be an abnormal MRI due to her having excessive Leukomalasia on her brain, but the Leukomalsia on the brain remains stable and there was no change in 2 years.. We have sent off many more test and seeking some answers so if we we're unable to find out what the neurologist is looking for then we will do a spinal tap next. I am so thankful to what god has blessed us with.. He has really shown up in our lives threw Paisley Hope...

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


OK now the next 2 days will be spent at Childrens Hospital in B-Ham with this sweet baby. She will have TWO VERY BUSY DAYS. wE have her swolloing study done Wednesday and thurs. she'll have an MRI of her brain, then we'll see the neurologist, and Orthopedic.. )Poor Baby, been threw so much but still so happy all the time.

We're Back

A sweet friend of mine suggested that I start blogging again, so here we go.. It's been a while but just to catch everyone up with our life. Paisley no longer has a feeding tube (PRAISE GOD) we had lots of feeding therapy and she has improved more than anyone would've ever expected. She is acting like a typical 3 yr old dramatic melt downs and all.

Parker has started his baseball season and he's doing so good and we are so very proud of him. We did go camping over spring break and the kids had so much fun. We rode bikes and walked nature trails and got lots of fishing in too..

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Update on Paisley Hope and Parker

We'll we have gained 1 pound in a month, which is fabulous concidering... I take her to feeding therapy once a week in Enterprise and we are progressing and the surgeon is happy.. She is such a strong willed little thing and that's what has gotten us this far. Feeding therapy is so HARD and takes alot of patience... In her defense she does take feeds all night so when she wakes up every morning she is gagging at just the smell of my coffee, it's really sad. She can go all day w/out eating and she'll smell dinner cooking and she begins gagging after she haden't ate a thing all day.. She is a 2 year old too so I know they are pickey eaters..I just wish there was a quick fix..The surgeon is happy with our progress so we are still going to work really hard to get her wait up a little bit more. We are not wanting to have surgery so right now we are not on bolus feeds we are just on the pump at night..At one point they were concidering putting a 24 hour backpack on her and that would just really set us back..Our feeding therapist is working so well with her and we are so thankful for her.. She has come so far and we know that god is working through her.. We have new AFO braces that seem to give her alot of support in her ankles. She is walking and running so much better..

Parker and Paisley have both got the crud and Parker has strep throat.. Another day devoted to a dr's office.. We are just so thankful for each therapist and dr. that god has guided us to. Parker is such a great big brother she will do things for him so much quicker than she'll do for me...

Friday, October 16, 2009

This is another test that she had done to see how bad her acid reflux was.

Paisley Hope's Arrival

We are a family of 4 that has learned so much about patience and peace.. We had our first son Parker and then we had Paisley Hope which was born at 31 weeks. I knew that something was wrong with her around 29 weeks. She was such an active baby and she went from being so active to nothing. I would go to the hospital and they would send me home drinking orange juice. The sugar in the juice would get her to moving for sure. I was so insistant that something was wrong with her and everything on their monitors checked out fine. So I was sitting at work the morning after I had stayed at the hospital the night before and I said I will eat these hot grits and if that doesn't do the trick I'm gonna go right back down there. So I called my doctor and told him that something was wrong I could just feel it. So he met me at the hospital and we did an ultra sound and she was already in distress, w/in 30 minutes I had a baby girl. Not expecting all of this to happen the sweet little thing didn't even have a name for 2- days. We have learned so much about life through this journey..We spent 5 weeks in the NICU and then headed home with an Apnea monitor which was really scarey. There would be so many times she would just decide to quit breathing which then scared the life out of us. This alarm is so loud that is sounds like a smoke detector going off in your ear. We had been so anxious to go home but then when the time actually come we weren't so sure that we were ready.I couldn't even hold her for 2 weeks..At the time it just didn't seem fair, I was seperated from her at birth and then the first time I laid eyes on her in the NICU she was on a venalator and the doctors told me they didn't have a crystal ball and they could not tell me if she would make it..Oh how aweful those words were. That was when I hit my knees and began begging god to please spare this little life.So were home and I just knew something was not right. I had noticed she had a few developmental delays. Off to Children's Hosp. we go..The Dr.'s never suspected anything was wrong w/ her but said a mothers instinct doesn't lie.So we do an MRI and it showed an excessive amount of white matter on the brain that is know as leukomalasia (I know the spelling is all wrong).. Total shocker for all of us including the doctors.So know we always have double pneumonia so we're transported to UAB and at this point we're told the swollowing study indicates we are asperating on thin liquids.We have to have a G-Tube placed along w/ fondo surgery.We come home on a feeding tube and told we may have something known as Leukodystrophy. The Dr. said whatever you do don't google it. So I couldn't get home quick enough to get a hold of my computer and we regreted it to this day. We did not have a diagnosis so why look into it like I did. About 8 mths later our Leukodystrophy panel came back negative (thank god).We are seeing several therapist and they seemed to think she needed SMO's (ankle braces).We have made countless trips to B-Ham and could not tell you how many different types of docs we've seen. We have been transported by ambulance numerous times.So we do a repeat MRI last week and it showed that the brain damage is not progressing. (Praise God) We also were told we didn't have to bolus feed her during the day we only have to put her on the pump at night because she passed her swollowing study.She went so long w/out eating that I'm having such a hard time trying to get her to eat.We are working w/ someone weekly and I'm seeing so much progress. We still don't have a diagnosis, but you know I'm so thankful for every Dr.,nurse, therapist and every trip we've had to make becuase not only has it helped Paisley Hope but it's brought us so much closer to god. Though having to resign from my job, I am still so thankful. I had 10 years in so at least I can freeze it..Our little man Parker has been so sweet and patient threw this journey with us.We had never left him before he was our life so this was a huge adjustment for him as well.This baby has been prayed for in so many places and I'm so thankful for each prayer that has been sent up for her. She is just a living testimony and as my pastor referred to her as "our little angel here on earth"..