Sunday, April 24, 2011
Paisley Passed
I'm so sorry I haven't posted yet. Paisley did pass her swallowing study, she did have to be NPO for approx. 13 hours and the only thing that baby was interested was drinking out of a straw. That is one thing she has not be able to do in many years due to her asperating on thin liquids..The MRI will always be an abnormal MRI due to her having excessive Leukomalasia on her brain, but the Leukomalsia on the brain remains stable and there was no change in 2 years.. We have sent off many more test and seeking some answers so if we we're unable to find out what the neurologist is looking for then we will do a spinal tap next. I am so thankful to what god has blessed us with.. He has really shown up in our lives threw Paisley Hope...
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
OK now the next 2 days will be spent at Childrens Hospital in B-Ham with this sweet baby. She will have TWO VERY BUSY DAYS. wE have her swolloing study done Wednesday and thurs. she'll have an MRI of her brain, then we'll see the neurologist, and Orthopedic.. )Poor Baby, been threw so much but still so happy all the time.

We're Back
A sweet friend of mine suggested that I start blogging again, so here we go.. It's been a while but just to catch everyone up with our life. Paisley no longer has a feeding tube (PRAISE GOD) we had lots of feeding therapy and she has improved more than anyone would've ever expected. She is acting like a typical 3 yr old dramatic melt downs and all.
Parker has started his baseball season and he's doing so good and we are so very proud of him. We did go camping over spring break and the kids had so much fun. We rode bikes and walked nature trails and got lots of fishing in too..
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